Social Security Scotland taking longer than 56 days to complete a re-determination?

If Social Security Scotland takes longer than 56 calendar days to complete a re-determination, you can appeal directly to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland’s Social Security Chamber.

 Here’s what happens if Social Security Scotland doesn’t complete a re-determination within 56

  • Notification: Social Security Scotland will should notify you that they failed to complete the re-determination on time.
  • Appeal form: Social Security Scotland will provide you with an appeal form. Alternatively an appeal form can be downloaded and completed – Appeal Form
  • Appeal options: You can complete the appeal form and return it to Social Security Scotland, or you can wait for the re-determination to be completed. If you wait for the re-determination, you’ll receive a full notification with the determination, the reasons for it, and your right to appeal.

It is advisable to seek support and assistance from an organisation who will assist with the appeals process:

Check out our Advice Partners at

If you do not want to attend a Tribunal Hearing then it can be made “on the papers”. Alternatively you can take part in a telephone hearing. Face to Face hearings are only granted in ‘exceptional circumstances’. You can have a friend, family member or representative with you.

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