About us

North East Scotland Advice Forum is a practitioner forum to help local advice agencies respond to the growing needs of people in the North East.

The network was created in November 2014 and now has more than 40 member organisations. Representation expands across local authorities, housing providers, third sector partners, parliamentary officers, credit unions, health and disability services and many more. 

Face-to-face and online meetings happen quarterly.

The discussion topics at the forum focus primarily around money and benefit-related advice matters and is used for identifying and supporting training needs in addition to providing networking opportunities.

The chair of the forum will arrange to co-ordinate and deliver training or source training options and make this available for members of the network.

Members try to pull training from within the organisations that attend the forum. If a training issue is flagged up at the forum, partners try to accommodate that. 

Organisations are overwhelmingly supportive of the forum. The forum does not have a budget so relies on the goodwill of the member organisations to host events.

Feedback from members confirms that the forum for information sharing and access to training opportunities in the north-east of Scotland can often be limited and can be expensive so joining resources helps to save money and create efficiencies. This is welcomed by members especially in the current economic climate when budgets are squeezed and resources are more scarce. 

For more information or to become a member get in touch.

Monthly benefit bulletins were produced during the COVID crisis to keep members up to date with current news and changes to money and benefit related matters. Visit our contact page and sign up to our mailing list.


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