What is the National Databank?

Like a foodbank but for mobile data, the National Databank provides free mobile SIM cards for people who can’t access the internet. 

Internet access is essential in today’s society, and yet 2 million households have no home internet, and 2.4 million can’t afford a mobile phone contract. This lack of access often affects vulnerable people facing other inequalities.

To ensure everyone benefits from internet connectivity, we built the National Databank. Launched in July 2021 with our strategic partner Virgin Media O2, the National Databank was founded to tackle data poverty and isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

By early 2022, Vodafone and Three pledged to support the National Databank, expanding our reach from 34 hubs to hundreds. In just one year this grew to over 1,000 Digital Inclusion Hubs providing free mobile data to people in their communities, and the demand for support is still increasing. As a result, the National Databank is expanding, ensuring more people can access the connectivity they need in today’s digital world.

How does the National Databank work?

  1. Our partners Virgin Media O2, Vodafone and Three regularly donate mobile data SIM cards.
  2. Members of the National Digital Inclusion Network, which is a network of organisations helping people use or access the internet locally, can apply for data packages anytime.
  3. We distribute the SIM cards to these community hubs across the UK, who activate and gift the free mobile data to people experiencing data poverty or living on a low income in their community.

For more details visit – www.goodthingsfoundation.org/our-services/national-databank

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