DWP publishes research that had been ‘sat on’ by the previous government

Research and analysis: Universal Credit Full Service 12 Months Plus – Research to assess the longer-term impact of UC Full Service on claimants’ attitudes and behaviours in relation to work.

Research and analysis: Universal Credit Full Service Omnibus Survey findings – This report presents findings from a tracking survey of Universal Credit (UC) claimants who made their claim using full service.

Research and analysis: Not Started and Unfinished Claims to Universal Credit (UC Hesitancy Research) – The aim of this research is to better understand the non-claimant population, why they don’t claim Universal Credit (UC), the financial and non-financial impact this has on them, and to understand the issues and barriers that prevent them from claiming.

Research and analysis: Understanding the Behavioural Response to the Universal Credit support offer – Includes research into the earnings taper, work allowance, childcare support, and discretionary support beyond UC such as Restart, Access to Work, and passported benefits.

Research and analysis: Take up and use of the Universal Credit Advance Payment – Qualitative research to understand how claimants make decisions about taking the Universal Credit Advance Payment and how they use it.

Research and analysis: Self-Employed Tax Credit Claimants Research – This report presents the findings of research into the knowledge and attitudes of self-employed Tax Credit claimants regarding Universal Credit.

Research and analysis: Exploratory qualitative research into the early experiences of the Minimum Income Floor (MIF) – Findings from a qualitative study with self-employed Universal Credit claimants exploring how claimants understand and respond to the Minimum Income Floor.

Research and analysis: Impacts of external debt for indebted Universal Credit claimants – This research assesses the financial situation of Universal Credit (UC) claimants with external debt, investigates its impacts and explores forms of support.

Research and analysis: Universal Credit and the patterns of rent balances in the Social Rented Sector: Social Research/Rent Analysis – This research looks at the impact of Universal Credit (UC) on the pattern of rent arrears for tenants of social landlords.

Research and analysis: Universal Credit childcare costs support research – This report presents findings from an evaluation of Universal Credit claimants’ childcare choices.

Transparency data: Childcare choices for parents working atypical hours – Findings of qualitative research with parents claiming Universal Credit (UC) and working atypical hours.

For details of all of the reports published yesterday, see DWP Research: 7 October 2024

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