The purpose of this document is to provide links to all the legislation concerned with Scottish Social Security. It contains hyperlinks to all primary and secondary legislation developed by the Scottish government that provides for Social Security including all the benefits administered by the Scottish Social Security agency. It also includes hyperlinks to Upper tribunal of Scotland decisions related to the social security chamber.
Over the life of the tartan book some non-legislation links have been added including interpretive guidance to some aspect of Social Security in Scotland, in that vein The Tartan Book now includes links to decisions of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland. The relationship between Scottish benefits and UK benefits also has to be considered so the tartan book now includes information about aspects of UK benefits that have a direct or indirect impact in Scotland.
This volume now runs to almost 60 pages of links to Scottish Social Security legislation, but as you know, hard copies of the legislation would run to considerably more.
Since the first creation of the Tartan book in November 2021 there have been, almost monthly updates, this is our third anniversary.
As to why it is called the Tartan Book, it is a reminder of the days when the DWP collated its Legislation in the Yellow, later the Blue volumes.
All the Legislation links unless otherwise stated are to Legislation UK,