Tax credits are closing on 5 April 2025, and customers must respond to their migration notices by their deadline date to continue to receive financial support from the Government. DWP continue to increase the number of migration notices being sent to customers receiving ESA, with all notices due to be sent by the end of 2025.
The department recognises that some tax credit customers may wait until their deadline to claim Universal Credit. For those customers who have a deadline date close to the tax credit closure date, we want to ensure that we provide as much support as possible and are therefore opening our Universal Credit Migration Notice Helpline on Saturday 5 April, to answer any customer questions, telephone: 0800 169 0328*.
The end of March 2025 marks the closure of the Universal Credit Programme and its transition from delivering ‘Move to UC’ from a Programme-led approach to a ‘business as usual’ operation.
* 0800 phone numbers are free to call from mobiles and landlines.