Housing Access & Support https://www.scottishhousingnews.com/articles/british-gas-energy-trust-makes-debt-grants-of-up-to-ps1700-available
The Individual and Families Fund is open to credit and pre-payment meter customers. You do not need to be a British Gas customer to apply for this fund – you can be a British Gas Customer, or a customer from another supplier with arrears of up to £1,700. However, we want to ensure that grants go to people who cannot access energy debt help from their own provider.
The following suppliers – OVO, Boost, Eon, Eon Next, EDF, Scottish Power, Octopus, Shell Energy, SSE and Utilita have their own funds to support their customers, so if you are a customer of one of these companies please apply to them directly.
For British Gas customers, your balance will be verified with British Gas as part of the application process and if it exceeds the arrears threshold of £1,700, your application will be declined.