Universal Credit

Universal Credit Regs 2013

The Universal Credit Regulations 2013

Schedules to the regs:

  • SCHEDULE 1 – Meaning of payments in respect of accommodation
  • SCHEDULE 2 – Claimant treated as liable or not liable to make payments
  • SCHEDULE 3 – Claimant treated as occupying or not occupying accommodation
  • SCHEDULE 4 – Housing costs element for renters
  • SCHEDULE 5 – Housing costs element for owner-occupiers
  • SCHEDULE 6 – Assessment of whether a claimant has limited capability for work
  • SCHEDULE 7 – Assessment of whether a claimant has limited capability for work and work-related activity
  • SCHEDULE 8 – Circumstances in which a claimant is to be treated as having limited capability for work
  • SCHEDULE 9 – Circumstances in which a claimant is to be treated as having limited capability for work and work-related activity
  • SCHEDULE 10 – Capital to be disregarded
  • SCHEDULE 11 – Application of ESA or JSA sanctions to universal credit
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DWP Guidance – Universal Credit and homeless people

Information about Universal Credit for homeless people, those at risk of homelessness and the organisations supporting them.


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DWP Guidance – Universal Credit and prison leavers

Information for prison leavers, work coaches and probation officers about Universal Credit.


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Universal Credit and students

Guidance on claiming Universal Credit if you’re a student.

Universal Credit and students – GOV.UK

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DWP Universal Credit Personal Budgeting Support and Alternative Payment Arrangements

Guidance UC87 – V5.0 March 2017

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Personal Budgeting Support?
  3. What are the elements of Personal Budgeting Support?
  4. How will money advice support UC claimants?
  5. What is the money advice process?
  6. What are Alternative Payment Arrangements?
  7. When can an Alternative Payment Arrangement be considered?
  8. When should Alternative Payment Arrangements not be offered?
  9. What are the key elements to consider?
  10. In what priority order will they be considered?
  11. Can a claimant appeal against an Alternative Payment Arrangement?
  12. When will Alternative Payment Arrangements be reviewed?
  13. Annex A
  14. Annex B


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Information on Managed Migration

CPAG: UC managed migration rules

RevenueBenefits: Universal credit: Managed migration

UCNotes: Managed Migration 

Constituency data: Universal Credit rollout

This dashboard has statistics on Universal Credit by constituency in Great Britain, including the Library’s estimate of how far caseload rollout has progressed.

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Universal Credit Policy papers and consultations


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How to verify your identity for Universal Credit

If you want to claim Universal Credit you must verify your identity. This guide for claimants and people supporting them explains how to do that.


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Universal Credit statistics

Move to Universal Credit statistics


The number of Universal Credit claimants includes those who have started Universal Credit (completed the Universal Credit claim process and accepted their Claimant Commitment) and have not had a closure of their claim recorded for this spell, up to the ‘count date’ (second Thursday in each month). A closure of their claim would be recorded either at the request of the individual or if their entitlement to Universal Credit ends, for example, if they no longer satisfy the financial conditions to receive Universal Credit as they have capital over £16,000.
People on Universal Credit


Universal Credit Research and statistics
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