DWP is conducting research into the experiences of non-digital UC claimants. Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who might be interested in taking part in an interview.
Here is the email from DWP with more information:
o We are a team currently looking at making improvements to the printing and posting of paper statements to non-digital UC claimants.
o Our user researcher would like to speak to non-digital claimants (telephone claimants) to help us understand how they interact with their printed/posted statement, including any changes in award, etc.
o The purpose of the research is to improve the UC Service.
Who are we looking for and how you can help
o Non-digital UC claimants (phone claimants): these claimants do not have access to an online account and journal and should be receiving a hard copy of their UC statement.
o We are assuming that some of the organisations involved in OSEF may be supporting such claimants and would like to ask for their help in recruiting some for user research purposes.
o If the claimant wishes to have the supporting officer / welfare rights advisor who is currently assisting them in the session, we will include both participants.
What do the sessions involve?
o One hour user feedback session – it is likely this will be face to face, with the exact location to be determined, i.e. either a Jobcentre (if applicable) or the offices of the organisation helping the claimant, if feasible.
o Participants receive a £40 shopping voucher as a thank you for their time (we can only incentivise claimants, not supporting persons).
o Participation is voluntary and does not impact the participant’s UC claim in any way. Claimants can opt out or change their mind at any time.
o Participants will be anonymised – nothing they say will be traced back to them.
Dates and how to get involved
o We would like to conduct the sessions in late November, current proposed date is week commencing the 25th of November, but we can be flexible depending on travel arrangements and other considerations.
o We’re currently looking to speak to 6-10 non-digital claimants, we will let you know in advance if we have reached this quota.
o If you are currently helping a non-digital UC claimant or can source or contact a non-digital UC claimant who may be interested in taking part, please let Matthew Kenward know via operational.stakeholders@dwp.gov.uk or contact Georgiana Murariu, user researcher at dwpuserresearch@engineering.digital.dwp.gov.uk.
It may be useful to book in a short discussion between yourself and the researcher before reaching out to any claimants.
This is to go over:
– what the research will involve,
– how many participants you may be able to contact, and
– discuss whether it is feasible to conduct the interview face to face and potential locations.