Tackling Child Poverty in Scotland: Striking the Right Balance

August 2024

This paper argues that over the period 2017-24, Scottish Government strategy and plans directed to reducing child poverty narrowed in focus, with cash interventions prioritised as the core mechanism to drive progress.

Evidence suggests that more place-focused, person centred, preventive and holistic approaches are now required, especially if we are to address the circumstances and multi-dimensional experience of those families in the deepest poverty or at the greatest risk of hardship/destitution.

Meeting ambitious household income targets should not be at the expense of funding other interventions, including public services that impact on need at community level and support parents to overcome barriers and grasp opportunities that would enable their families to flourish.

Child Poverty cannot be tackled in isolation – to deliver sustained change we need to rethink how public services are designed and delivered and use limited resources more effectively. Better co-ordination between agencies and between tiers of government committed to shared objectives can contribute to improved outcomes.


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