Our NR,NE Partnership Facilitators and Citizens Rights Project volunteers; Iona and Laura have new dates for their EU Settlement Scheme Application Support Clinics. To note Vikki Moroney is now on Maternity Leave.
These clinics will be held monthly and appointments can be made by emailing
These clinics can assist with:
- Late applications, for those whom missed the application deadline of 30th June
- Referral on for higher level immigration advice via Settled UK for complex and vulnerable cases
- Joining family member applications
- Following up on outstanding applications with Home Office, support to provide additional evidence to application
- Upgrading from Pre-Settled to Settled Status
- Support to access digital profile
These clinics will be held at the Turning Point Scotland Office; 27 Holburn St. The next date for the clinic is the 20th July 2023. Attached is a poster with our clinic details.
Clinic Dates and Times:
20th July 5pm-7pm
12th August 10am-2pm
9th September 10am-2pm
Reminder these clinics are by appointment only
However should you require advice or support for an individual meantime please email the email and one of our advisers will get back to you.