Free CPAG e-learning courses

We have developed eLearning courses to help frontline workers who do not work in welfare rights get to grips with important changes in the benefits system. These courses are currently free:

  • Supporting hard-up households
  • Winning your benefit appeal
  • Scottish welfare fund
  • Introducing the CPAG handbook
  • Universal credit
  • Planning & paying for funerals
  • Knowledge check: Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers
  • Cash in a crisis
  • Payments for children in Scotland
  • Scottish student income and universal credit


Elearning has many advantages. It is a flexible and cost effective way to learn, avoiding the expense of travel and extra time away from work.

There are other benefits that might not be so obvious:

  • You learn at your own pace
  • You can undertake elearning at whatever time suits you
  • You can work from any location with internet access

eLearning courses | CPAG

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