Income Support and disability – special payments

If you made a claim for Income Support on or after 31 January 2011 due to a disability or heath condition, you should have been told to claim income-related Employment and Support Allowance instead. As this didn’t always happen, the government have announced ‘special payments’ for those who have lost out.

You may be eligible if:

· you made a claim for Income Support on or after 31 January 2011 because of a disability or health condition, and

· you were not getting Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance when you made that

· Income Support claim.

If you are still receiving Income Support, you will be assessed to find out if you should move to income-related Employment and Support Allowance. You will only be eligible for a special payment if you are assessed as having limited capability for work or limited capability for work and work-related activity.

If you have already moved from Income Support to income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit, you may be eligible if you had a Work Capability Assessment when you moved and were found to have limited capability for work or limited capability for work and work-related activity.

Contact Jobcentre Plus and say you’re enquiring about the ‘Income Support Claims Review exercise’.

For more information, visit:

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