Managed migration update

After accelerating the migration timetable and bringing forward the timeline for ESA claimants from 2028 to 2025, the DWP have announced that they intend to begin notifying ESA claimants that they need to move to Universal Credit in September 2024.

On Friday 19 April 2024, the Prime Minister made a speech that included the announcement to accelerate the movement of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and ESA with HB claimants to UC…. ‘our current planning assumption is that we would begin notifying this group in September 2024, with the aim of notifying everyone to make the move by December 2025.’

For more information, visit:

Here is a reminder of the current timetable for all legacy benefits:

  • 2023 – 2024 – tax credit only claimants
  • April 2024 – Income Support claimants and those receiving both tax credits and Housing Benefit (recent reports indicate a current focus on Income Support with tax credits, with Income Support claimants who also receive Housing Benefit to follow slightly later)
  • June 2024 – Housing Benefit only claimants
  • July 2024 –claimants receiving both income-related Employment and Support Allowance and Child Tax Credit
  • July 2024 – State Pension age claimants in receipt of tax credits (directed to claim Pension Credit or Universal Credit depending on their circumstances)
  • September 2024 –income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants
  • September 2024 – income-related Employment and Support Allowance only, or income-related Employment and Support Allowance with Housing Benefit

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