Scrap benefit caps to boost compassion in Social Security

June 24, 2024

Campaigners say the next Westminster Government can return compassion to the social security system by scrapping ‘inhuman’ benefit limits that push people into debt and destitution.

The Poverty Alliance election manifesto is calling for an end to the controversial two-child limit and benefit cap, saying that they are causing lasting harm to households who need support the most.

In their ‘Securing the Future’ manifesto, which will be published today (Mon 24), the Poverty Alliance calls on the new Government to support work towards a Minimum Income Guarantee – an income level that nobody would be allowed to fall below. They also back calls from the Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation for an ‘Essentials Guarantee’ that would immediately boost the value of Universal Credit.

They are also calling for Westminster to create a new UK-wide anti-poverty strategy, with targets for reducing poverty set down in law.

The manifesto outlines the Poverty Alliance’s recommendations across five critical areas: taking an all-government approach to tackling poverty; building a more compassionate social security system; tackling the high cost of living; designing a labour market that works for everyone; and funding the fight against poverty.

The manifesto also demands:
– An end to the ‘young parent penalty’ that sees those under-25 paid less in Universal Credit
– A social tariff to help people struggling to pay energy bills
– Stronger workers’ rights so they can achieve real Living Wages and Living Hours
– Better use of taxation, to fund better budgets for public services and the fight against poverty

Read the full article below:

News: Scrap benefit caps to boost compassion in social security

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