Make sure your claimant commitment is right for you:
Download our leaflets to use when you meet your work coach:
Remember: Getting your claimant tailored to your personal circumstances should help you to avoid being sanctioned unfairly
Getting your claimant commitment right for YOU = lower risk of sanctions
After you apply for Universal Credit…You will be asked to agree a ‘claimant commitment’ when you meet with your work coach. The claimant commitment records what ‘conditions’ you must meet in order to keep receiving Universal Credit.
These conditions are sometimes referred to as ‘work-related requirements’. Essentially they set out what is required of you, and may include things like expected hours of work search and a commitment to being available to take up work.
If you do not meet these conditions, then you may be sanctioned. This means that your Universal Credit money will be reduced.
Remember: You can ask to change your claimant commitment at any time with your work coach, even if you are already claiming Universal Credit. If your work coach refuses to change your claimant commitment, you should speak to a welfare rights adviser or a public law solicitor about what you could do.