Warm Home Discount Scheme for Winter 2023/24

The Warm Home Discount (WHD) Scheme 2023/24 will close on 29 February 2024. All claims must be made to the helpline before this date. The Warm Home Discount (WHD) helpline will remain open for calls until 31 March 2024 (0800 030 9322).

The WHD provides a £150 rebate onto electricity bills for eligible low-income households in Great Britain. Scheme reforms mean that different rules apply in England, Wales and Scotland. Eligibility is determined by the citizen’s circumstances on the qualification date (13/08/23). Recipients of the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit will be eligible for a WHD in England, Wales and Scotland if they are a named account holder with a participating electricity supplier.

Recipients of other means-tested benefits, including Tax Credits, may also be eligible for a WHD in England and Wales if they meet the government’s criteria relating to home energy costs (determined by property characteristics).

People living in Scotland and in receipt of certain other benefits may be able to claim a discount direct from their energy supplier.

See the Warm Home Discount Scheme for more information.

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