Cost of Living support

Millions of households across the UK will start to receive a £299 Cost of Living Payment from today until 22 February.

The payment will be sent out automatically and recipients do not need to apply to receive it. This includes tax credits-only customers who will receive the payment from HMRC between 16 and 22 February.

It is the third of up to three payments totalling up to £900 paid to eligible households on means-tested benefits over 2023/24.

Further Information

  • The full list of benefit recipients that qualify for the third Cost of Living Payment are those who are eligible and receive at least one of the following:
    • Universal Credit;
    • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance;  
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance;  
    • Income Support;  
    • Working Tax Credit;  
    • Child Tax Credit;  
    • Pension Credit  
  • The payment reference for bank accounts will be the recipient’s National Insurance Number followed by DWP COL or HMRC COLS.  
  •  To be eligible for the Cost of Living Payment from DWP, you need to have been entitled to a payment for a qualifying benefit between 13 November and 12 December last year, or payment for an assessment period, ending between these dates. From HMRC, you need to have received a payment of tax credits for any day in the period between 13 November and 12 December. 
  • If a household becomes retrospectively entitled to a Cost of Living Payment, or believe they are entitled but do not receive one, they can report this via from the 23  February.

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