Poverty Alliance, Challenge Poverty Week Monday 2nd October – Sunday 8th October

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Please find below the latest update regarding the Challenge Poverty Week 2023 campaign – note that Challenge Poverty Week will be from Monday 2nd October – Sunday 8th October.


Each year Challenge Poverty Week has themes associated with each day of the campaign – last year we had an over-arching theme of ‘Cost of Living’ with daily themes also throughout the week, as well as related policy asks. This year we asked Poverty Alliance Members and those who had been involved in Challenge Poverty Week before to give us feedback on how/if they used the themes and policy asks and what they would like to see going forward.  

Thank you again to all those who filled in our feedback survey, to up-date you, we will be hosting a short-life working group with representatives from various sectors to discuss these policy asks further this month.


It has been a busy few weeks as the Get Inspired! Meetings have now kicked off. Thanks to those who attended, I do hope you found them useful. If you have not managed to sign up to one yet you can do so via the links below and hear more about the campaign and how to take part:


The ‘Values First’ Framing Training sessions, hosted by the Poverty Alliance Communications Officer, will deliver information on how to effectively communicate during Challenge Poverty week and beyond. These free training sessions and now open to register for:


Media training sessions have been scheduled to help you get your #ChallengePoverty message out to your audience using the media. These sessions will give you practical advice on how to make contact with journalists to get into the news media.

Please note the spaces on these sessions will be limited and priority will be given to those who may not normally have this resource available to them.


Our Events Calendar is now live! This calendar is a crucial part of our coordination of Challenge Poverty Week and a great resource for you to use to not only share your own events but to see what else is going on throughout the campaign week.

You may not be ready to put events on the calendar yet – but please do consider using it. The events/activities you put on the calendar do not need to be ones open to all, and you can let others know about research or policies being launched, as well as in-house events/activities being scheduled.

You are welcome to add your own events via this link: Events – The Poverty Alliance and as always if you have any issues please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I do hope this is helpful, and I look forward hearing about your plans in due course!

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