Scottish government reopens Independent Living Fund after ‘human catastrophe’ warning

By John Pring on 7th September 2023

Disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) have welcomed the Scottish government’s decision to open the Independent Living Fund (ILF) to new claimants for the first time since 2010*.

The decision by Scotland’s new first minister, Humza Yousaf – which will only affect disabled people in Scotland – was announced on Tuesday as part of his first Programme for Government.

*The Independent Living Fund has been closed to new applicants since 2010. It closed completely across the UK in June 2015, but the Scottish government established ILF Scotland, which provides funding for former ILF recipients through the Scottish government, and administers funding for former recipients from Northern Ireland

Full article – Scottish government reopens Independent Living Fund after ‘human catastrophe’ warning – Disability News Service

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